Position Title
Magazine editor
- News and Media Relations
Jocelyn’s career path has come full circle with her appointment as editor of UC Davis Magazine.
Born and raised in Davis, she grew up dreaming of life in a big metropolis. After graduating from UC Davis, she moved to New York City to earn her master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism — and stayed for 15 years working as a magazine editor.
Over the years, assignments took Jocelyn backstage at the Metropolitan Opera House, inside New York Fashion Week and on the set at Sesame Street. Her years in New York boosted her sense of adventure and independence but also gave her an enhanced appreciation for the uniqueness of Davis.
Jocelyn returned to her hometown in 2014 with a husband in tow and now rides the same bike she took to high school.
Live music. I attend as many concerts as possible.
If I won $1 million…
I’d travel the world for a year. I’ve already been to 48 states and 20 countries.
Guilty pleasure
A nonfat latte every day around 3 p.m.
Best advice
Think first, speak second.