Position Title
Digital Content Strategist and UX Designer
- Web and Interactive Communications
Early on in Max’s career, while pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts, he found an interest in graphic design. Aside from a brief affair with sculpting in Florence, Italy, Max turned his sights to design and online media.
After working as a creative director for an advertising agency, he moved to California and eventually to a career at UC Davis. Since then, his interest in developing experiences that speak to prospective students has grown. Whether improving upon gaps in the student's journey, or simply making it easier to find what they need, pairing authentic UC Davis experiences with student interests, is what gets him up in the morning (and sometimes keeps him awake at night).
Hiking, camping, reading and writing fiction.
Random fact
Once did a polar bear plunge at the foot of a glacier.
Favorite movie quote
"We got no food, we got no job, our pets' heads are falling off!"