Goal: Demonstrate leadership in solutions, innovations and opportunities for enhancing quality of life
About the project
The campaign communicates the impact that UC Davis research, expertise and programs have on daily life. Whether you’re eating your breakfast, turning on a light, walking on the beach or doing countless other activities, UC Davis has had an impact on that moment and continues to work across multiple disciplines to enhance your quality of life. We address complex problems — from fetal surgery to managing water use to ocean acidification — and make a difference.
- More than 5 million ad impressions (3 million digital, 2 million print and billboard)
- Airport advertisements strategically placed so that all 750,000 monthly travelers are exposed to the campaign at least once
- Digital engagement of 37,200 clicks (1.25 percent click-through rate with $1.32 cost-per-click)
- Insertions in Chronicle of Higher Education, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Southwest, Comstock’s to reach higher education influencers