Mahiri Comeaux

Mahiri Moore Jr. Headshot

Position Title
UCD Fire Department Social Media Intern
Since Fall 2021


Mahiri Comeaux (he/him) is pursuing a B.A. in Communication with a minor in Sociology. Prior to joining the STREAM team, Mahiri has worked with the Educational Opportunity Program and Special Transitional Enrichment Program as a Liaison Intern as well as a special projects assistant. In his previous positions, he learned how to strategically plan and lead social media platforms for larger departments which he believes allows him to excel in his position on STREAM. 

Mahiri plans to attend graduate school after undergrad, pursue a steady career, and spend his life with a beautiful Golden Retriever. He hopes to pursue a rather simple life but fulfilling every step of his personal and professional life. 

During his time at STREAM, Mahiri has worked on developing social media content for the UC Davis Fire Department and Health 34. Through a series of networking and project planning/ managing, Mahiri was able to analyze the best way to boost UCDFD social media appearance. He was in the Inland Empire (IE) and chose UC Davis because he felt it was one of the few campuses that made him feel that he could truly “outgrow the expected”. Mahiri’s favorite part of campus is the friendly college atmosphere and community. 

A fun fact about Mahiri is that he was a part of The College Tour, a television series that features some of the top universities across the country which featured UC Davis and aired on Amazon Prime, Apple T.V., etc. Some of his hobbies include watching anime, surrounding himself with animals, everything in the Marvel cinematic universe, and Star Wars. His favorite movie franchise is the Harry Potter series and has a deep love for musical theater. You can catch Mahiri spending most of his time in the Arboretum, taking in the beautiful and calming scenery.
